Everyone knows that the best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories and burn more. The problem is that eating less than you want is frequently easier said than done.
You may be able to deal with hunger for a few weeks or even months, but hunger eventually triumphs. The weight then tends to reappear.
And overcoming hunger does not simply require more willpower. Many experts compare willpower to a muscle in that it is a finite resource.
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1) Perhaps this is why willpower-based diets fail in the long run.
What's the best way to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way that doesn't involve hunger or "white-knuckle" willpower?
The approaches that work tend to adhere to the same basic principles: eat low-calorie foods that fill you up, avoid high-processed foods that don't, and ensure you get adequate nutrition.
It appears to be simple. But why do so many of us struggle to lose weight in a healthy way?
This guide will teach you the best ways to lose weight in a healthy way. It includes our best weight loss advice, what to eat and what to avoid, common mistakes to avoid, how to eat fewer calories, and much more.
But first, what exactly is "healthy weight loss"?
Setting realistic goals is the first step toward healthy weight loss. Following that, we define healthy weight loss as primarily losing fat mass rather than lean body mass, improving your metabolic health, having a minimal decline in your resting metabolic rate, and ensuring you can maintain your dietary lifestyle in the long term.
Top ten weight loss suggestions
Consuming carbs and fat at the same time is not recommended. This combination contains a lot of calories with little to no nutritional value (think pizza, cookies, chips, donuts, etc.) and may increase cravings.
At most meals, consume at least 30 grams of protein. Protein foods are the most filling and nutrient-dense foods.
Limit net carbs to less than 100 grams on a low-carb diet, which is often a successful weight loss strategy (or keep them as low as 20 grams per day, if you want to try a keto diet).
Fill half of your plate with fibrous vegetables. These provide a lot of nutrients, a lot of food, and a lot of calories.
Add just enough fat to taste and enjoy your food, but not too much. Let's face it: fat tastes delicious! Taste is a critical component of long-term nutritional success. However, too much fat can add calories that you don't need.
If you're hungry, start by increasing your protein and vegetable intake. Once again, these are the most filling and nutritious foods with the fewest calories.
Find foods that you enjoy and that meet the above criteria. Check out our recipes by clicking here.
Maintain your physical activity level. You don't have to run marathons, but adding physical activity to a healthy diet can help you maintain fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.
Get enough restorative sleep. Sleep as if your health is at stake, because it is!
Make an environment that encourages your success. It's not just a matter of knowing what to do. It's also about fostering an environment conducive to success. Removing tempting foods from your kitchen, for example, is a great place to start.
What foods to eat and what foods to avoid when trying to lose weight?
Food background for a balanced diet
Every calorie counts when it comes to healthy weight loss.
However, this does not imply that you must count calories.
How is this even possible? By focusing on the foods on the list below, you will ensure adequate nutrition, eat filling foods, and naturally reduce your caloric intake.
We recommend that you focus the majority of your nutrition on "foods with the most nutrition per calorie," consider portion control for "moderate nutrition," and reduce or eliminate foods with the least nutrition per calorie. Give it a shot!
Foods with the highest nutrient density per calorie:
Pork and poultry
Vegetables with no starch
Yogurt and cottage cheese are examples of dairy products.
Soybeans, lentils, and other legumes
Foods with a moderate amount of nutrition per calorie:
Seeds and nuts
Bacon and other fatty processed meats
Vegetables that are starchy
Berries, olives, and avocados are examples of low-sugar fruits.
Grain (whole)
Foods with the lowest nutrient density per calorie
Foods with a high carbohydrate content and a high fat content
Foods containing a lot of sugar and refined starches
Beverages with added sugar and fruit juice
Beer and other alcoholic beverages with added sugar
Pure added fats, such as oil and butter
Are you still hungry in between meals, or are you looking for ways to increase your protein intake? Take a look at our high-protein snack guide for weight loss. There are hard-boiled eggs, a can of tuna, beef jerky, lupini beans, black soybeans, and other options.
Why do we advocate for a high protein diet for weight loss?
High protein almost always equates to high nutrition, which means you get the most nutrition per calorie. The highest nutrition percentages are found in whole food protein (steak, eggs, chicken, soy, etc.) and fiber-rich vegetables (spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.). It comes as no surprise that they are also among the most filling foods.
Refined carbohydrates (sugar, bread, pasta, and so on) and refined fats (mostly oils) have a high energy density but little nutritional value, making them easier to overeat.
As a result, we recommend the following foods for high nutrition eating:
Reduce your carbohydrate consumption.
Make protein and fibrous vegetables a priority.
Just enough fat for flavor and, if necessary, extra calories.
How to Get All of the Nutrients You Need
Protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals are examples of essential nutrients. You'll want to get the most out of each calorie you consume. We also recommend eating a lot of fiber because it can help you lose weight and improve your health.
2)Fortunately, fatty acids and micronutrients are naturally present in whole-food proteins. When you eat above-ground vegetables, you also get fiber and additional micronutrients.
But what exactly does "eating more" protein imply? How much should you consume? The average American male consumes 88 grams of protein per day, while women consume 66 grams. These sums represent only 14 to 16 percent of total calories.
3)While this satisfies the definition of the minimum recommended daily allowance (RDA), it falls short of what may be better for boosting weight loss, metabolic health, and functional strength.
4)Protein intake should be between 10% and 35%, according to the US Institute of Medicine. The low end of that range, on the other hand, may contribute to overeating, while exceeding the range may still be healthy.
5)As a result, we recommend at least 1.2 grams per kilo per day and up to 2 grams per kilo per day (0.5 to 0.9 grams per pound), which equates to 20 to 35 percent of total calories.
6)Based on calculations of the liver and kidney's ability to safely handle protein, a 176-pound (80-kilo) person can theoretically consume 365 grams of protein per day.
7)That's 73% of a 2,000-calorie diet! It's safe to say that the majority of people won't have to worry about consuming too much protein.
Why do we recommend a low-carb diet for weight loss?
In addition to increasing protein, lowering carbohydrate intake can help you lose weight.
8)According to studies, people who follow low-carb and keto diets consistently lose more weight and have better blood sugar control than those who follow low-fat or other control diets.
9)Low-carb and keto diets also allow for adequate protein intake, plenty of above-ground fibrous vegetables, and added fat for a complete, delicious, and long-lasting healthy weight loss plan.
According to research, keto diets can also help you lose weight. People on low-carb diets frequently naturally reduce their calorie intake, even more than people on calorie-restricted low-fat diets.
10)Reducing carbohydrates also helps lower insulin levels, as does losing weight, which may help explain the numerous metabolic benefits of eating low carb.
According to one observational study, people with prediabetes who ate a lower carbohydrate diet had a lower risk of dying prematurely. In addition, a nonrandomized trial found that blood glucose levels returned to normal in more than half of prediabetic participants.
Based on the data presented above, as well as practical considerations, we believe carbohydrate restriction can play an important role in healthy weight loss.
More information on getting started with a low-carb diet can be found in our guides on the keto diet and the low-carb diet for beginners.
Why do we advocate intermittent fasting for weight loss?
Intermittent fasting is the deliberate avoidance of caloric intake for a set period of time. It can last as little as 12 hours (also known as time-restricted eating) or as long as five days or more.
Short-term intermittent fasting (36 hours or less) has been shown in studies to be a healthy and sustainable way to reduce caloric intake while improving weight loss and metabolic health.
However, not all studies agree, implying that you should consider more than just meal timing. In one study, for example, Dr. Ethan Weiss of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) found that time restricted eating with 16 hours of fasting per day did not improve weight loss or metabolic health.
One reason for the lack of improved results in the time-restricted eating group could be that subjects consumed more calories during their eating window.
Fasting should not be used as an excuse to binge eat or "make up for lost calories."
Fasting, on the other hand, is intended to intentionally reduce caloric intake in order to preserve resting metabolic rate (the amount of energy you burn at rest), maintain lean muscle mass, and improve metabolic health.
In other words, intermittent fasting promotes healthy weight loss rather than just weight loss.
More information on intermittent fasting can be found in our intermittent fasting for beginners guide.
What other diets are effective for weight loss?
Many people may find that high-protein, low-carb diets, which may include short-term intermittent fasting, are the best option for achieving healthy weight loss.
These, however, are not the only options. There are numerous studies of varying quality demonstrating healthy weight loss with Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan, and other diets.
Which diet is the best for you? This is a question that only you can answer. The key is to develop an eating pattern that:
focuses on foods you enjoy eating
It feels long-lasting and pleasurable.
Assists you in lowering your caloric intake
Prevents binge eating
Ensures adequate nutrition
You might want to try out different diets to find the one that works best for you. And keep in mind that it's perfectly fine to switch up your dietary approach as you get older — and as your health, eating habits, and lifestyle change.
How to Consume Fewer Calories
We don't blame you if the phrase "eat fewer calories" makes you cringe. For decades, the old message of "eat less, move more" has failed the majority of dieters.
That is not what we advocate.
Instead, we advocate for healthier eating habits. That means eating in a way that allows you to naturally reduce your calorie intake without feeling hungry. Is this too good to be true?
It doesn't have to be that way.
Several studies have found that eating more protein reduces hunger.
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For example, those who ate eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel felt less hungry and consumed fewer calories throughout the day.
Other studies show that a higher protein diet leads to less hunger over time than a lower protein diet. Changes in hunger hormones could account for some of this.
Another possibility is that we are hardwired to eat until we get enough nutrition, which is referred to as the "protein leverage hypothesis."
According to this theory, we evolved to seek out the nutrition our bodies require. And the sooner we achieve that goal, the sooner our bodies will turn off feelings of hunger or food cravings. Our bodies will tell us to keep eating if we do not consume enough protein.
Low carbohydrate diets, keto diets, and intermittent fasting are all natural and sustainable ways to reduce caloric intake.
However, healthy weight loss is more than just what you eat. It's also important to consider what you don't eat. Food has an impact on both our biology and our brain. Refined carbohydrates, for example, can cause increased fluctuations in our blood glucose, leading to increased hunger and subsequent excess caloric intake.
When "everything in moderation" includes cookies, chips, and soda, many people are doomed to gain weight.
It can also cause weight gain if it contains pasta, bread, and a lot of fruit, as well as oils, butter, cheese, or nuts.
These are all highly appealing foods that can make it difficult to limit your intake.
Overeating may have nothing to do with strength or willpower. Instead, your brain may be saying, "This tastes great and has plenty of calories for survival; I want more!"
Foods with a high calorie-to-nutritional-proportion are everywhere, and they are far too easy to overeat.
How to Obtain Metabolic Health
Taking advantage of the cool, fresh air
Improving metabolic health is an important part of losing weight in a healthy way.
What exactly do we mean when we talk about metabolic health? The simple answer is to avoid metabolic syndrome, which includes abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal blood glucose, elevated triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol.
However, health should not be defined solely as the absence of disease. While that is a good place to start, you don't have to stop there!
Take, for example, waist circumference. According to the metabolic syndrome definition, a normal male waist circumference is 39 inches (99 cm). Does this imply that your ultimate goal is 39 inches?
Perhaps not! A waist size of 35 inches (88 cm) is likely to be much healthier for a 5'8" male than a waist size of 39 inches.
Even if this is your "end goal," don't expect to arrive there overnight. Continue to strive for gradual and consistent improvements over time, leading to a more desirable outcome.
Just because medicine considers certain metrics to be "normal" does not mean they should be your goal. Instead, concentrate on lifestyle changes that address the underlying causes of metabolic disease.
What steps can you take to achieve metabolic health? Here are our top eight suggestions.
8 Ways to Improve Your Metabolic Health
Limit your carbohydrate intake, particularly refined starches and sugars. Refined starches and sugars are the foods most likely to cause calorie overeating and raise blood sugar, insulin, blood pressure, and triglycerides.
A low-carb diet may be the most effective for treating metabolic syndrome.
Most people find that low-carb diets help them lose weight.
Consume enough protein. Numerous studies show that, despite a slight temporary increase in insulin, higher protein diets improve insulin sensitivity and contribute to metabolic health in the long run.
Consume fat in moderation. Excess fat consumption can raise triglycerides and worsen insulin resistance, especially when combined with carbs or contributes to consuming too many calories overall.
Consume enough fat to enjoy your meals, and consume fat that comes naturally with your food, such as the skin on your chicken or a naturally fatty rib eye. However, do not go out of your way to add unnecessary fat to your foods.
Don't light up. This should go without saying given the strong link between smoking and the risk of cancer and heart disease, but it also contributes to metabolic disease.
37 Consume only small to moderate amounts of alcohol. Alcohol contains empty calories, which can harm the liver and undermine metabolic health.
38 Manage your stress and get enough sleep. Chronic stress and a lack of sleep can both increase the likelihood of insulin resistance.
39 Participate in regular physical activity. Muscles consume glucose. Muscle building and use promote insulin sensitivity and efficient energy utilization.
Consume time-restricted foods or fast intermittently.
Allowing your body time without ingesting nutrients causes insulin levels to fall, improves insulin sensitivity, teaches your body to use fat for energy more efficiently, and may even trigger autophagy.
As a result, metabolic health improves.
How to Calculate Weight Loss
Person taking a waste line measurement
The most common tool for measuring weight loss is the bathroom scale. It is also most likely the least useful!
Your daily weight can fluctuate by several pounds due to changes in water weight or muscle growth. That means you can lose three pounds without noticing a difference on the scale!
The scale may indicate whether your weight is increasing or decreasing. However, healthy weight loss entails much more than just the number on the scale.
Consider using any of the following three techniques in addition to the scale:
Keep track of your waist measurement and waist-to-height ratio. You only need a tape measure. If your weight remains constant on the scale but your waistline shrinks, that is still a fantastic healthy fat loss victory! Waist circumference is one of the best measurements for predicting metabolic health and tracking healthy weight loss, as we explain in our guide to losing belly fat.
How do your clothes fit on you? If you don't have a tape measure, simply put on your (non-stretchy) pants. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Have your pants loosened up? That means your waist is shrinking. If you do resistance training, you may notice that your arms and legs appear toned. That is an indication that you are gaining muscle mass.
Determine your body composition. This necessitates the use of additional tools, such as a bioimpedance scale or a more detailed assessment using a DEXA scan or an equivalent measuring device. A DEXA scan will not only tell you if your weight is changing, but it will also quantify how much of your weight loss was due to fat mass, lean body mass, and visceral fat. As an added bonus, you can monitor your bone density to ensure that maintaining strong bones is part of your healthy weight loss journey.
How to Break Through Weight Loss Stalls
Female weighing herself in kilograms stepping on the scale – concept of self-care and body positivity – warm flare on the left
Weight loss that is healthy is rarely achieved in a straight line of consistent loss. Weight loss, on the other hand, tends to come and go, with plateaus as part of a general decline. Regardless of the plateaus, you're succeeding as long as your trajectory remains in the right direction.
However, it is beneficial to have a plan in place for when the plateaus occur. Here are the top eight tips for breaking through a plateau and getting back on track with healthy weight loss.
Top 8 Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau
Do you get enough protein? Take a couple of days to count every gram of protein you consume. Yes, it can be inconvenient, but it can also be educational. You may believe you are eating "a lot of protein," only to discover that protein accounts for only 15% of your total calories. If this is the case, increasing your protein intake is the best way to break your stall.
Do you consume enough fibrous vegetables? Fibrous vegetables are one of the best ways to get more nutrients for fewer calories, boost stomach fullness, and slow gastric emptying.
Again, keeping track of your intake for a few days can help guide you in increasing your intake of fiber-rich vegetables. Aim for at least four cups of coffee per day.
Are you watching your non-nutritional calorie intake? What's left after you've increased your protein and fiber-rich vegetables? It's usually empty calories — the extra cream or butter, the rice that "comes with" your meal, the sugary salad dressing that appears so innocent. Perhaps it's the customary glass of wine with dinner. When you reach a plateau, it's time to take stock of your non-nutritional calories and cut them in half, if possible.
Do you have issues with cravings or snacking? Generally, focusing on protein and fibrous vegetables can help reduce snacking and cravings. If you still find yourself snacking, make sure you're eating high-protein snacks first. Next, make sure you're snacking out of genuine hunger rather than boredom or habit. Finally, avoid non-nutritive sweeteners that can trigger cravings, such as erythritol, stevia, and other sweet additives.
How do you sleep? Plateaus are not always caused by what you eat. Not only can a lack of sleep influence your food choices during the day, but it can also alter your hormonal environment, making weight loss nearly impossible.
Make good sleep hygiene a top priority. It's easy to talk about, but much more difficult to do. Remove all screens an hour before going to bed. Maintain a consistent sleep-wake cycle. Ascertain that your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Get your children and pets out of your bed. You can keep your spouse if their snoring does not keep you awake!
Do you work out? Exercise on its own is ineffective for weight loss. When combined with healthy eating, regular physical activity can help maintain weight loss and break plateaus. Just make sure your exercise helps you build muscle while not leaving you hungry and craving food. For example, 20 minutes of resistance training may be more effective than 45 minutes on the treadmill.
Have you experimented with timed eating or intermittent fasting? For some people, spacing out meal times can naturally reduce caloric intake and allow for lower insulin levels. The combination may be sufficient to break through a weight loss plateau.
Are you fasting excessively? Just because a little fasting can aid in weight loss does not imply that more is always better, nor does it imply that fasting is always a good thing.
Top ten tips for breaking a low-carb or keto weight loss plateau
Top ten tips for breaking a low-carb or keto weight loss plateau
Some people react to fasting by feeling compelled to binge or overeat in order to "make up" for missed meals. People may even be rationally aware that they should not react in this manner, but the pull is too strong to resist.
If this describes you, intermittent fasting may be doing you more harm than good. Returning to a regular eating schedule may allow you to better control your portion sizes and break through your weight loss plateau.
Read even more in our detailed guide on tips to break a weight loss stall
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